This is my little blog i.e. rambling observations, about living in Budapest (and London). I’m in the two cities sort of one week on one week off. Mostly I live in Budapest, but every other week a few days in London. I’m English, but also half Hungarian, although unfortunately my mother never taught us to speak the language as kids (cue shaking of Hungarian heads). So, now I’m trying, but its hard when a) you don’t speak other languages, b) you’re too old (39!) to learn languages, and c) Hungarian is not one of the easy ones. No wonder the Hungarians have a reputation for being good at mathematics, you need to do an equation every time you say something – depending on who you’re saying it to, how many people you’re staying it to, whether you’re talking about something you definitely did etc. etc. etc. Apart from learning the language, general living the BP life and occasionally writing this blog, I’m working on a bunch of songs inspired by being here, and, when I’m not busy eating large quantities of deep-fried meat, squeezing in some exercise.