
I came to Budapest to fall in love. Not with a girl (though it’s wise to keep your heart open to such things, and it happens to be the city where that last happened). Not with the city itself (though to me there is a a certain hazy magic about the place). No. I came to Budapest to fall in love with life’s new adventures. To do what I had always wanted to do, to experience living in a foreign city, to free up some time for myself, and use that freedom to explore the new and interesting (as well as face the challenge of the language). I’m writing this blog to record random observations and experiences, however trivial, to do my life here, and my part-time life back in London, the other city I live, work, and play in.

I’m conscious (should anyone actually be reading this) that many observations may sound critical so I hope any Hungarians don’t take (too much) offence. With anything like this, the strange or critical is always almost more interesting than simple praise. There are for example, many positive observations to make about this city but to record them would mean this blog consisted of  things like: Buildings, georgeous! Food, tasty! Bars, cool! Girls beautiful! Etc. Which makes less interesting reading, I think. So apologies Magyars (and yes, it could be that I just don’t understand what it’s like to be one…).

One Comment

  1. Lowri wrote:

    You sounding critical Rodders????? wonders will never cease….but you’ll be so glad of these ramblings in the future, its those small things that trigger memories. Trivia makes the world go round, or something like that.


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